Sep 4Liked by Jenn Romolini

Good for you, JR, for "walking your talk." At mid-life we can finally see what may be the cause of our unhappiness or dissatisfaction, but it's not so easy to change behavior (and HOLD ON TO IT) to be better. This is important stuff to write about and I appreciate it. Keep going.

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thank you Kelly! xo

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Jenn, I can double confirm, it is a good book. It’s so good to find someone that admits how hard it is to let go of being driven to excel at all costs - the next thing always looming. Best line I ever read that woke me up is: Even if you win the rat race, you’re still a rat (or something like that!)

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As someone who rarely gives themselves a gap, I appreciate this post. Scarcity mindset revealing itself.

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BRB while I write G.A.P. on a sticky note for my desk. My book came out almost a year ago on the 23rd. Within months I “struck while the iron was hot,” adding so much more to my plate because MOMENTUM!!! Now I’ve learned the hard way that productivity and work and projects and moremoremore don’t define me. Thanks for your book and this newsletter!

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Trying to live our philosophy is the true test. But remember it is the effort that defines our life. I left corporate (small press) publishing in 2011 to go freelance as an editor and I've never regretted it. Yes, I've made less money, but I've been successful--happily married, living and traveling the majority of the time on our boat, with a client list of successful authors. And time for myself just to be.

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I was wondering why you weren’t teed up on my podcast feed! You two were missed and thanks for letting us know. Also, hope Natalie Rivera (I assume) has had a fabulous vacation.

I look forward to the episode when it comes out because as much as I love my job I’ve needed a readjustment in attitude and priorities.

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I think I have noticed more of my favorite blogs, podcasts etc. taking short breaks in the last couple of years. It's OK to let yourself be missed -- maybe it even adds to the perception of value of the podcast in a weird way? The new episode sounds useful to me, I will look forward to it.

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I love this G.A.P concept and am going to deploy it at team meeting next week! I think the autonomy part is key, and I need to be less afraid of scarcity and let my team work without me wringing my hands in the background. Awesome reminder as we come out of the haze of summer. Thank you for this most excellent post!

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Speaking of things that are meant for you finding you… this post has followed me and I’m glad I listened, read ❤️ and now subscribed for more. I’m circling a theme with a project right now which feels like kin to this. I’ll be buying Ambition Monster

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I really loved this. Thank you for sharing!

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I just have to point out that there weren’t episodes for the first two weeks in August, so in 5 weeks there were only 2 episodes. I’m not complaining! Just pointing out the facts (and sort of bitter whenever there isn’t an episode because I LOVE the show so much and it gets me through my Mondays so I’m aware that my August was lacking!

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lol the free content river must floweth...

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