I’ve said so on your IG, but again: the book is great! I hope you get a great vacation after tour!

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Thank you!

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Jun 12Liked by Jenn Romolini

I LOVED hearing you on the last EIF podcast because you seemed so joyful and dare I say giddy.

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i think i’m delirious in the best way?

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Jun 11Liked by Jenn Romolini

I finished your book yesterday afternoon. Brilliant. You are a powerful writer. A writer with muscle who understand the word "truth." It's time for you to write a novel. And write a freaking beach read so Netflix will turn it into a movie and you can make a ton of money and live wherever you want however you want. You've given yourself the bonafides with the memoir––now just have FUN!

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this means the world. thank you thank you thank you 🥹

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Jun 10Liked by Jenn Romolini

I finished your book last week, in tears. I was not expecting it to hit so close to home, until I read this line, “annoyed by the inconvenience of having a body”. Thank you for writing this book! Thank you for sharing your story!

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oh man, that was a time!

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Good luck on your book tour. I started organizing some neighborhood friends to attend your Baltimore event, then realized I was going to be out of town. But I have the audio in my queue and am looking forward to it.

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Laura! An honor to be read by you! x

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I started your book last night and I loooovvvee it so much! I have been following your journey to pub day through EIF (which I also adore and look forward to every Monday) and I am just so excited for you now that you're on book tour. These updates you share are wonderful and so inspiring to this writer who is attempting to finish her first novel. Thank you for sharing your experience here, and thank you for writing Ambition Monster. It's incredible. Wish I could make one of the live events — if you ever end up coming to beautiful northern Michigan, I'll be there! :) xo

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Looking forward to seeing you read tonight at Skylight Books! I haven’t started your book yet. It’s next in my queue. I noticed a couple of commenters on both your book and your JLo The Cut article were not so positive. The problem with those bitches’ criticisms was that their analyses were not on point! The Cut commentator was hoping your article was about a tangent about JLo’s stealing other people’s music. From what I read about your book is that the focus of it is your own personal journey while trying to steer the brass ring! Your writing is excellent and your analyses are always on point!

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F**k the New York Times. Your book is NOT overstuffed. I ended with a desire for more. And yes, knowing that you watched "Lost" at that point in your life is an important detail. Why do critics always try to re-write the books they analyze?

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