Maybe like you, I’m thinking a lot about where I want to be in the new year — physically, sure; but also where I want to focus myself emotionally and creatively, what I’d like to accomplish personally and, of course, for this once (and kind of always) ambition monster, professionally.
In January, in an attempt to publish a novel before I die, I’ll start Beth Pickens’s year-long writing intensive. And Kim and I are talking new formats for a little 2025 spruce up of Everything Is Fine. And I’d like to become more involved with causes that can help people I care about/the world. Plus, of course, a bunch of lingering foibles I’m always wanting to transform and and …suffice it to say, I have a number of goals/intentions to distract/keep me at least somewhat sane during whatever global dick-measuring apocalypse contest is to come.
But what I’m curious about — and what I’d love to hear from all of you, if you’ll indulge me — is in which direction to take this newsletter. I’d originally envisioned this space as a little behind-the-scenes promotion for my book, a vehicle to speak to readers who follow me outside of Zuckerberg’s buy me! love me! hate me! algorithms. In the past few months, I’ve covered everything from wrinkle creams to politics, Andrew McCarthy to jeans for big butts. As in life, I’m a bit all over the place.
There are now quite a few of you here (thank you!) and frankly? I’d like to be a better, more consistent host. The challenge is I don’t really know who’s attending this particular party and, in keeping with the metaphor, what they’d like to eat.
So my question is: What would you like to read/hear from me?
essays on issues pertinent to midlife?
shopping guides on skincare/menopausal haircare/clothes for middle-aged bodies?
nuts and bolts publishing stuff like writing tips/how to write a book proposal?
diary of the process/terror of launching new creative endeavors post-50?
Movie/TV/book recs?
Workaholism advice? Burnout advice? ADHD advice? Marital advice? (lol)
Would you like to read interviews with other people who know things/other writers?
all/none of the above?
I’m also considering launching a second podcast in this space. Do you have room in your hearts (and, more importantly, lives) for more audio?
If you’re keen to, let me know in the comments! or send me a DM. I’m all ears for feedback to help shape this newsletter into something slightly more focused that scratches an itch or fulfills a need, a direction around which I can strategize, organize and reliably show up.
Last: Thank you so much for being here. I had no idea when I launched this newsletter that it would have thousands of subscribers — this alone fills me with immense gratitude and sincere joy!
In other news! I’m on one of my favorite podcasts this week — the Good Life Project — talking about what happens “when success becomes empty.” It’s wild how much more chill you can be about a book once it’s been out in the world for a while. This is one of my favorite conversations I’ve had.
I feel like I've reached peak podcast. I would much rather read your postings. And I like the randomness of your postings. However, I know that can be exhausting to not have a "theme" so if I were brain storming with you I'd say: write up some goals for 2025 (your novel for one your interest in community endeavors for another and I'm sure there are more) then spend the year writing about how you are progressing in those goals––how you've approached them, how those approaches have worked for you and how those goals change over the year. It would be a check in for you––an accountability if you will and for us readers an example and a reminder of what we should also be doing in our own lives and communities.
I don't care what you post. I just support you and love the para-relationship of "knowing" you. :-D